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Promotional poster made by Capp. |
Jesus Christ, I needed this.
So very badly.
Before I go any further I want to thank all of the people who made SizeCon possible. Jitensha, Chwani, Astra Ebonwing, Penner, Robclassact, Supertinyvicki, Giant Gripper, The Hypester, Praedatorius, and many many more. Cons are never easy things to coordinate and you all stepped up and did so much.
There were some problems. The sorts of things that might break other cons. I won't rehash all of the bad luck; I'd rather praise the people (listed above and others) who pushed through and made the event not only work, but be magical. You are all amazing. Thank you.
I've already gone over my experience recreating a vintage Size postcard with Irene Silver and M31. As well as my gender expression during the Con and the SLaM. The first needed to come out fast. I was (and still am) so happy about the way it came out. The others wound their way through the Con experience. I wanted to give them their own posts in order to keep this final SizeCon 2023 post from getting too dense.
This is about my overall SizeCon experience. I don't own pom poms, but I'll be playing the part of cheerleader in this one.
Like 2020, this year's SizeCon was held in Piscataway, NJ. The hotel is under new management, has been renovated, but is still at the same address. I personally had no issues with check-in, but I've heard stories about those who did. Overall I think the hotel works pretty well for us. The rates were decent, the space we had was big enough, and the staff seemed ok with people walking around in fetish gear. And the food that came with the meal plan was much better than what we had in 2020.
Most of my time was spent at my booths. Selling my books and showing off the SLaM. I think that is a perfect way for someone like me to attend a Con. My default mode is introvert. I can be social, but I need a nudge. An excuse. Once I have that excuse ... I make friends and influence people.
It felt like a light year for me in terms of panels. Maybe that's because it was spread out over three days instead of two. I ended up moderating three (Microphile, Size History, and Diversity) and being on one (Writers).
It's hard to say which of those first three I got the most out of. Microphile had some interesting topics discussed. I got to hear the thoughts of some Size folks I'd just met (Hollewdz and Kat) as well as old friend Addie.
The Diversity Panel ended up being the most intimate. With everyone pulling in, it felt a bit more like a social than a panel. With some of the group talking, the rest listening and asking questions.
Size History was the biggest panel. We were blessed this year to have so many distinct voices. Gary Pranzo, BustArtist, Capp, Losweet, Aborigen, Kat, and EaterJolly. Sadly, Katherine Gates was unable to attend. Tragically, Larry Philby passed away. They were both missed. Not only on this panel.
The question of diversity came up at the Size History panel. It was (rightfully) pointed out that all of the panelists (and me) are white. It made for some interesting discourse. I honestly think that when this panel is held in 2050, many of the old folk talking about how things were back in the 2020s won't be so monochrome. In the meantime I'm going to see if I can track down the gentleman behind Black Giantess magazine and invite him to the next Con. If anyone reading this knows any other POC Size folks from back in the day, let me know.
The Writers Panel was good. I ended up sharing some of my issues with writer's block and the work/life imbalance that led to it. Aborigen got to hear more details after the fact when we were unwinding in our room. He is a very kind, thoughtful person and an excellent friend.
Highlights for me were the SizeCon radio play featuring Praedatorius (who also wrote it), The Assistant, Giant Gripper, Lushaani, Robclassact (who wrote the commercial parody), and Rooster. Everyone had their moments to shine, but Gripper knocked our socks off as the over-the-top pitch man in the commercial. I'm amazed he was able to speak again the rest of the Con.
Karaoke was also fun. The night began with Brian DVD's rendition of "I'm Too Sexy" complete with choreography. Other standouts include Mabo, Lord Dimitrescu, OnyxKim, KG (who gave us feels even if he didn't want to), Fort, and Kat (who also organized the event). I could go on. It was high energy, fun, and I'm looking forward to attending next year.
I've mentioned Addie's BDSM presentation in another post, but have to mention once again how informative and interesting it was.
I'm looking forward to the Size film Praedatorius and The Assistant riff next year. This year's was Attack of the 50 Foot Woman starring Jess (you had to be there).
Aborigen is starting a Size Riot 'zine. I heartily endorse it. If you're interested, please reach out to him.
Robclassact released his first book. Copies will be made available shortly. If they haven't already.
There were too many friends to count. Several I wanted to spend more time with, but weren't able to. Syrus Durham was running the escape room. Miss Kaneda was being dragged a thousand different directions. BetterCallSmol and Alianaeats got pulled in even more.
Over the course of four blog posts you'd think I'd have mentioned everyone who touched me, chatted with me, or in some way became part of this wonderful experience. That isn't the case.
There's (Tasty)Ace, Jay Phylla, Saadow (I hope I got the name right, we shared some meals, and talked about your wrestling career, among many other things), PNGWill, and so many others, I feel guilty not saying your names. If we talked at all last weekend, you made a difference in my life. Thank you.
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